Legal Solutions Delivered by Experienced Lawyers
Serving Clients Throughout Southern California

Ready to Assist You With Your Legal Matters
WKZ LAW (Whitbeck, Kooshki & Zreik LLP) is a law firm with offices in Torrance and Glendale. Our team consists of experienced business attorneys who serve the needs of clients all over Southern California.
Mission Statement
Our law firm strongly believes that the client's success determines our own. We, therefore, strive to ensure both by collaborating with each and every one of our clients to achieve their goals.
Our Commitment
We are dedicated to advancing the interests of our clients. Our team recognizes that your business plan, balance sheet, and competitive profile are crucial in successfully positioning your litigation matters from the outset.
We focus on developing effective solutions to assist our clients with resolving their toughest problems. Our team approaches each new challenge as an urgent business matter that needs to be resolved cost‑effectively.
A Diverse Clientele
Our law firm serves clients across all industries. We handle cases in different areas of law, including:
Our Law Firm strongly believes that the client’s success determines our own.
We therefore strive to ensure both by collaborating with each and every one of our clients to achieve their goals.
We have combined 25 years of experience in Litigation, Business & Real Estate
Our history speaks for itself! We’ve got a wide range of legal services.

Connect With Us
Contact us for more information about our legal services. We’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.